Wilckodontics, which is also referred to as AOO™ (Accelerated Osteogentic Orthodontics), is a periodontal procedure that will dramatically shorten your orthodontic treatment time, With this procedure, most orthodontic cases in both adolescents and adults can be completed in 3-4 times faster than would be possible with conventional orthodontics.
Treatment completed in 9 months
Over the years, conventional orthodontics has seen the evolution of bands, arch wires, cements, bonding materials and cements – all great advances in metallurgy and chemistry. All of these advances have improved the manner and efficiency of how orthodontic forces are applied to the crowns of teeth. However, despite all these remarkable advances, orthodontic treatments that follow fixed conventional treatments take about 1½ to 3 years to position teeth.
However, the revolutionary new Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics ™ (AOO™) method reduces the treatment period to within 3 to 8 months, which is a remarkable achievement. This means that AOO™ succeeds in moving teeth 4 times faster than conventional fixed orthodontic treatments. Using this method, the orthodontist can manage to move teeth and align them according to ideal goals within a very short period, and with remarkably less discomfort. This is made possible owing to a winning combination of the very best of orthodontics and periodontics techniques that goes into AOO™. Many years of dedicated research and study have gone into creating this product which is now patented and fully qualified.
The AOO™ procedure was introduced to the American Association of Orthodontics in 1998.Orthodotnist in the United States have been using this method to fix smiles naturally and rapidly for some time now.
In conventional orthodontics, the braces and the wires exert force on the teeth from outside, forcing the teeth to move and align. Owing to the natural resistance of the teeth, it takes a long time for the teeth to align, and the results aren’t always aesthetically pleasing. Since constant pressure is applied on the teeth from outside, the patient undergoes a certain level of discomfort as well.
What the AOO™ procedure does is to exploit the natural dynamic of bone physiology to get a two-way action. Instead of just applying external force, AOO™ ensures that the supporting bone responds to the orthodontic forces as well. This forms a two-way action, which helps in aligning the teeth naturally. AOO™ achieves this by stimulating and harnessing the innate elasticity within the dental bone and teeth, helping the teeth move through the bone rapidly. The resulting alignment is pleasing to the eye. Plus, when the tooth movement is complete, the bone surrounding the moved tooth roots rebuilds itself naturally. All of these factors have contributed to the fact that many people ask for and get the AOO™ procedure done to fix their tooth-alignment issues.
Over the years, conventional orthodontics has seen the evolution of bands, arch wires, cements, bonding materials and cements – all great advances in metallurgy and chemistry. All of these advances have improved the manner and efficiency of how orthodontic forces are applied to the crowns of teeth. However, despite all these remarkable advances, orthodontic treatments that follow fixed conventional treatments take about 1½ to 3 years to position teeth.
However, the revolutionary new Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics ™ (AOO™) method reduces the treatment period to within 3 to 8 months, which is a remarkable achievement. This means that AOO™ succeeds in moving teeth 4 times faster than conventional fixed orthodontic treatments. Using this method, the orthodontist can manage to move teeth and align them according to ideal goals within a very short period, and with remarkably less discomfort. This is made possible owing to a winning combination of the very best of orthodontics and periodontics techniques that goes into AOO™. Many years of dedicated research and study have gone into creating this product which is now patented and fully qualified.
The AOO™ procedure was introduced to the American Association of Orthodontics in 1998.Orthodotnist in the United States have been using this method to fix smiles naturally and rapidly for some time now.
Dr Masri has been providing state-of-the-art orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign Braces for years, to patients all over the United States. Dr. Masri is one of the selected few orthodontists who are certified AOO™ provider . He has successfully imparted these time-tested, proven AOO™ techniques to help create better smiles for hundreds of patients.
To know more about this new treatment and how it can benefit you, we encourage you to fill out the contact form and submit it to us. We will get back to you with the information you need. Alternatively, you can call us at 734-261-8860 and speak to one of our representatives for more information. Feel free to ask us anything you want to know about the treatment. We can help you with literature on this new treatment which you can take home to read. When you’re ready, you can book a free consultation appointment with Dr. Masri.