How SureSmile Orthodontic Treatment Works
With SureSmile orthodontic technology, your orthodontist can design your braces treatment in a way that moves your teeth to their desired position more precisely than ever before. With the accuracy of a SureSmile treatment plan, you’ll be on your way to a beautiful, healthy smile while spending less time in braces compared to conventional orthodontic Read More
Acceledent , A Faster Track For Orthodontic Treatment
While braces provide better oral health, an attractive smile and enhanced self-image, many orthodontic patients — particularly the one out of five who are adults — still wish their braces could come off sooner. Mechanical stimulation (vibration) of bone has been studied since the mid-1980’s to heal bone fractures and to treat osteoporosis. Studies have Read More
The iTero Digital Scan, Your First Step To A Customized Smile!
It’s True – Orthodontics Have Gone 3-D! Do you want the most perfect smile money can buy? Then it’s time you went 3-D as well! The great news for orthodontics and dental patients the world over is the new iOC scanner system from iTero. This powerful scanner provides an accurate digital scan of your teeth Read More
Laser Scanner – A Cutting Edge Technology In Orthodontics
Orthodontists are using laser scanners to automatically scan oral configurations to ensure that bite models fit perfectly each time. It is possible to take perfect dental impressions with a laser scanner, eliminating the need for repeat impressions. The days of plaster models and filling mouths with goop are long over. The days of laser orthodontics Read More
New-age Orthodontic Pacifiers
Instead of giving your children regular pacifiers to prevent them from sucking their thumbs, dentists recommend that parents use orthodontic pacifiers. These pacifiers are designed to prevent misalignment of teeth and unforeseen orthodontic emergencies as the child grows older. Many dentists and pediatricians recommend an orthodontic pacifier once the infant has gotten used to breastfeeding. Read More
Opt For The Brace Without A Trace And Smile Bright On Your Wedding Day
You’re getting married, but your smile is less than perfect. You have so much to deal with and the thought of wearing very visible, very annoying braces is really killing you. Here’s the good news – you don’t have to suffer such an indignity anymore! Just opt for the MTM No-Trace System– want to know Read More
Fast Orthodontics Treatment in Michigan
Fast orthodontics, also known as fast braces and Wilckodontics Speed Braces, have become one of the most desirable treatments in Michigan for misaligned teeth. What makes fast orthodontics treatment so attractive is the fact your braces can be removed three to four times quicker than with traditional braces. Most people have their fast braces removed Read More