Quick Braces Treatments For Your Wedding Day
If you’ve been living with a less than lovely smile so far, it’s time to fix that before your wedding comes around. You want to look your best, your handsomest or your prettiest. And it’s never too late to get that wonderful straight smile that you deserve, through a fast way to straighten your teeth.
How Quick Braces Treatment Work
It is a term used by a limited number of general dentists who want to expand their services to include braces. The product lacks any scientific data from a reputable educational institution to support their claim of offering an innovative product. The product focuses on straight front teeth without any consideration to the bite and function.
Quick braces sets for compromised short cut to achieve straighter front teeth without any consideration to the bite or long-term negative effect of poor bite. If what you are looking for is quick fix and cheap way of making your front teeth straight, then this might be the product to consider. But if function and stable smile is one of your priority and having it done the right way, then you need to consider consulting orthodontic professionals who are specialized in treating misaligned teeth and jaws.
What’s The Catch?
There’s more emphasis on a cosmetic success than on the bite position of your teeth. This is why we see this technique very attractive to the younger patients who want instant satisfaction without considering the long-term negative effect on the overall smile and the fit of the teeth. The smile is used in conjunction with veneering treatment. Such option means moving the front teeth to a less crowded position, then completing the job with dental procedure, called veneers.
Considering the previous method means life long commitment to dental maintenance since the dentist removed healthy natural looking enamel and replaced it with artificial “man made” material. The main motive for such approach is lack of knowledge of other safer options and the lack of patience to do it the right way.
A typical customer who falls for such option is a bride who wants to get straighter teeth in no time before her wedding, or a recent graduate who is in the job market for public relation jobs.
Orthodontists are the right trained professionals who spent 3 years of their post graduate education studying misaligned teeth and jaw . Ask your dentist to refer you to a qualified orthodontist, or seek an orthodontic evaluation to explore other safe and clinically sounds options like the Incognito braces, a revolutionary way to get straight teeth using a customized lingual braces, totally hidden and placed behind your teeth.
Incognito braces offer you 100% custom lingual brace treatment that’s target a specific problem areas in your jaw. If you have a wedding coming up, you might want to hurry up and get a consultation immediately. The treatment might take a few months to a few years to complete, so do hurry and get started.
Here’s The Good News
Incognito braces will not just improve your smile a little day by day, but you can actually still be wearing them on the D-Day. And no one will be the wiser. Why? Because Incognito braces are custom-made lingual braces which are very strategically placed at the backsides of your teeth. So you can smile with confidence, knowing that your smile is better already, and knowing that no photo will ever capture your braces.
When To Use Incognito Lingual Braces
Incognito braces are ideal if your teeth are protruding, crooked, widely spaced, overlapping, inverted or overcrowded. In any of these situations, you can feel free to approach a well-known orthodontist and confidently ask for incognito braces. Remember, only very senior and experienced orthodontists will have the technical expertise to fix lingual braces. So be sure to consult the best orthodontist you can afford.
Using incognito braces can actually slow down your aging, by stopping your gums from shrinking, and thereby preventing wrinkles. This is excellent news for any bride, as we’re sure you’ll agree!
Fill out our contact form, or call us at 734-261-8860 to schedule your free consultation with Dr.Masri.